What would I do if I were rich essay in English | If I Was Rich Essay


What would I do if i were rich essay in English | If I Was Rich Essay 

What would I do if i were rich essay in English | If I Was Rich Essay:- Everybody has various and different dreams in life, just like that I have also various dreams in my life, all this will become possible if I were become a rich man. What would I do if i were rich essay in English | If I Was Rich Essay.

For My Family:-

If I were become a rich man I will do lots of good thing for my family, I will take them to the world tour, every day I will make my family feel special, I will provide a food, shelter and cloths to the poor peoples.

For Myself

I will purchased a sports cars and bikes, its every boys dreams to ride luxury cars and bikes and go for long drive with my friends.

I will also purchase a house for me and my family, and there will be a garden and beside there will be a swimming pool and parks.

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For Society

I will help the society peoples by creating a various jobs in society and give them employment; in today world unemployment is the main reason of crises. I want to see a smile on the face of society peoples and I want to become the example of successful person at society. I will also donate some amount in favour of the poor peoples.

I will also donate some good amount to the school, when I was kid I have face so many difficulties / problem at hot sunny day no fan, less table, and chair etc but now I in today’s world I don’t to see child is facing this issue.

I will also invest some money in new innovative ideas to promote start ups, I would also do some good thing for the talented sports players and help them to achieve their goal.

Helping the poor peoples

I will open the school for the poor people’s children, because education is the only way that help them to develop their skill, peoples become poor because of inadequate knowledge also provide mid day meal for the them.

Organize Sports game for the Children

Every year will organize a sports game for the children and encourage them to participate on that game and give a gift to the winner children, all these possible if I were become rich.


At the end of the if i were rich essay, we should donate some amount in favour of the poor peoples, because your small amount can help the poor peoples to light their house and bring a happiness on their face.

We hope if i am millionaire essay format help the students to write a meaningful essay on if i was rich essay  in English, if candidates have any query, suggestion can comment us by visiting the contact us page.

Q1. What should I do if I Were Rich English essay?

Ans If I were become rich i will help poor people’s children by providing free education, free Uniform, Book, Copy and mid day meal for them.
Note:- If your are searching for the If i were rich essay in English then you are in the right place, we have provided some If I were rich essay format.

Q2. How to write an essay on If I Were a millionaire?

Ans If your are looking for the How to write an essay on If I Were a millionaire? then you can simply visit our blog.

Q3. What should I do with all my money if I become rich?

Ans You can help the poor peoples by donating some small amount, you can also start your own school for the poor people’s children.

Q4. What can a rich man do for the world?

Ans A rich man can do lot’s of good thing for the poor peoples, if he want he can open school for the poor peoples children.


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